Four Myths & Truths of Probiotics
When it comes to probiotics on the market, unfortunately, there are a lot of duds out there. Approximately 90% of them are misleading... crazy, right? Today, we're here to debunk some common myths about probiotics, while also providing the truth to these claims. No BS around here, babes.
Don't be fooled, quantity doesn't equal quality! When it comes to probiotics, the quality of the strain should be of the utmost importance over the number of billions. Billions refer to the total number of live bacteria that are contained within each capsule or serving. But if these billions of live bacteria lack quality and fail to stay alive by the time they reach your gut, they are essentially doing absolutely nothing for that bod of yours. Always be on the look out for probiotics that have a 100% survivability rate over the highest CFU count.

Of course there are certain fermented foods one could eat to increase probiotic consumption and enhance overall gut health, but food cannot be compared to high quality probiotic supplements that are formulated to tackle certain strains in your gut that food cannot. Maintaining a healthy probiotic-conscious diet paired with your daily probiotic supplement is your best bet!

While there are some probiotics on the market that may require refrigeration, this does not make a probiotic better than another. In fact, among ten of the most researched probiotic supplements worldwide, only one of them requires refrigeration.

No matter how "healthy" we may feel, our lives are constantly causing us to do things that harm our gut microbiome without us even realizing it- being stressed, not prioritizing enough sleep, eating an overly processed diet or too much sugar, and exposing ourselves to toxins within the environment. All of these lifestyle habits kill the good bacteria in our gut that protect our bodies from harm's way. Implementing an effective probiotic into daily routine, is a simple way for all of us to take care of ourselves from the inside out.
Finding a trustworthy probiotic shouldn't feel overwhelming, and we hope that debunking these myths provides some clarity as to what to look out for when searching for the perfect probiotic for you. As a company that values efficacy and proudly takes these products every single day, we made sure to formulate our products to check off all of these boxes and more. Learn more about our Gut Goals probiotic here!