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Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm

6 Ways to Naturally Balance Your Vaginal pH

6 Ways to Naturally Balance Your Vaginal pH


We don’t often talk about what’s going on “down there” unless something is off but the truth is, maintaining a balanced vaginal pH (aka how acidic or basic your lady parts are) is key for overall vaginal health and preventing infections. 

First things first, a little pH 101. The pH scale runs from 0 to 14–a pH below 7 is considered acidic whereas a pH above 7 is considered basic (alkaline). You might be thinking “so I want to be neutral…”, right? But actually, you don’t! The goal is to be slightly acidic (between 3.8 to 4.5) to inhibit the growth of unwanted bacteria down south.

Good news: there are plenty of things you can do to naturally support a balanced vaginal pH and here are 6 ways you can keep things in check:

1) Change tampons more often: Blood is slightly basic so during that “time of the month”, the pH levels of your vagina can temporarily rise. Typically, you’re in the clear but when menstruation blood hangs around just a little too long (aka you haven’t been changing your tampons frequently enough) your pH remains elevated and that’s a no-go. We get it, we’re all busy bees and that time of the month is no exception. Pro tip: Set an alarm for every 4-6 hours to keep things fresh!

2) Choose clean intimate products: Some of those pretty cleansers, lubes & wipes marketed for your lady parts aren’t so cute on the inside and can contain some pretty harsh chemicals that irritate your delicate skin and mess with your pH. So, when shopping for intimate products, look for ones that are free from fragrances and other irritants (i.e. Glycerin), like Glad You Came Wipes, dual wipes that are specifically formulated to keep things in balance down south and nourish and restore your lady parts post-play. 

3) Avoid unnecessary antibiotic use: Don’t get us wrong. If your doc prescribes antibiotics to treat a specific concern, don’t skip out on what your doctor ordered. But don’t forget, while the antibiotics are killing the bad bacteria in your bod, they are taking the good bacteria down with them and seriously throwing things off in your vaginal flora. Moral of the story: take antibiotics when necessary, but don’t overdo it. When you’re taking antibiotics, always make sure you’re compensating for lost good bacteria with a probiotic like Gut Goals.

4) Avoid sperm internally: Fun fact: Semen is slightly alkaline, meaning the ejaculation of semen into the vagina can play a big role in elevating vaginal pH. Let’s be clear, there is nothing wrong with this but it is important to note that semen, with a pH of 7.1 to 8, can disrupt your natural balance. 

5) Maintain a gut-healthy diet: Believe it or not, the gut and vaginal microbiomes are more closely connected than you may think, and the bacteria and microbes in the gut are influencing the composition of the microbes in your vagina. Getting your daily dose of fiber-filled, fermented and prebiotic-rich foods supports your gut which in turn, supports your vaginal flora. BRB, chugging kombucha…

6) Take a daily probiotic: We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, a healthy gut microbiome = a healthy vaginal microbiome and the best way to keep your gut in check and pack your belly with good bacteria each and every day is by taking a daily probiotic. Be sure to get yourself a clinically and lab tested probiotic with evidence-based benefits, like Gut Goals. Don’t love swallowing pills? Just open the capsule and pour those tiny probiotic powerhouses into your yogurt bowl or smoothie. You won’t even taste ‘em! 

Dealing with pesky bacterial growth “downstairs” is not our idea of a fun time but making these small changes to your diet, daily routine, hygiene and sex life can have a big impact and we hope they’ve helped give you the gift of confidence knowing just what your lady bits need to stay balanced. Knowledge is power, babe, and we’re here to teach you everything we know.

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